STALKER 2: How to Get High-Capacity Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine

Turn your Saiga D-12 shotgun into a mutant-shredding beast with the drum magazine.

If you are roaming around with a Saiga D-12 shotgun and thinking about turning it into a mutant shredding machine, then it’s a must to equip the mag with a lot of bullet capacity. Thankfully, STALKER 2 has included the Saiga D-12 drum magazine which is a great attachment to deal with enemies en masse without wasting time reloading every few seconds. With a whopping 20-round capacity, it weighs 0.5 kg and costs around 9,000 rubles.


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Where to Find the Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine in STALKER 2

STALKER 2 Saiga D-12 Drum Magazine Location

The high-capacity Saiga S-12 drum mag is available in Prypiat Shopping Mall. Once arrive outside the shopping mall, find the parking lot and go inside. In the first room on the left, kill a mutant lurking there. In the cooking area on the right, you’ll find the drum magazine on the shelf with the Bombstick rifle and some ammo. You might also find it in other parts of Jupiter, but those could only be extended mags. So, stick to the shopping mall to save yourself the wild goose chase.

Moreover, many users on Reddit claim the drum mag only shows up past a critical story moment, while a few others think you’ll need to summon your inner developer and spawn it via console commands.

How to Level Up Your Saiga Build

Once you’ve collected the drum mag, your Saiga weapon becomes a powerhouse. Pair it with a collimator or holographic sight for the close-quarter mutant purges, and consider a tactical flashlight attachment to light up the dark corridors in the Zone.

Tip: Keep focus on your weight limit, the drum mag’s extra heft might slow you down, and you don’t want to be caught sluggish in an anomaly field.

During your hunt for attachments, remember that STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl has introduced so many customization options to play with your gear however you like. For a faster reload, Jungle mags (aka coupled magazines) are an alternative worth exploring. If you want to be adventurous, the high-capacity mags for other weapons like the GROM S14 and GP37 are also amazing pickups.