All Difficulty Settings in Star Wars Outlaws Explained

Find your right difficulty level in Star Wars Outlaws.

The difficulty settings in Star Wars Outlaws do things a little differently. It’s not just about cranking up enemy damage or giving you fewer healing items. The difficulty settings in this latest installment of the Star Wars series have a lot to tinker with, and if you know what you’re doing, you can get it flying just the way you like. So, let’s break it down.

The Difficulty Settings in Star Wars Outlaws

Something different from the other experiences we usually have, this game offers four difficulty settings presets: Explorer, Adventurer, Outlaw, and Scoundrel. Each one sets up the game’s parameters in different ways, like how much health you start with, how hard enemies will hit or try to take you down, and how quickly the galactic authorities will start to get annoyed when you bend the law a little. But you are free to tweak these settings as you prefer and what suits you the best or just go with the default preset options.

  • Explorer is for those players who enter the game just for the story. If you’re one who’s got a busy life as a true Star Wars fan but still wants to explore the galaxy, solve a few puzzles, and have a good time without getting blown to bits every five minutes. This is the perfect choice for playing in Story or Easy mode.
  • Adventurer is your suitable setting if you’re looking for a balanced experience. It’s basically the “Normal” mode, where you’ll get a decent challenge, but nothing that’ll have you tossing your controller at the nearest wall. You can go with this preset for both the story and gameplay with a little less pressure.
  • Outlaw is for hard-core gamers who love to face a little more danger. It’s available for the hard mode play in which enemies are very tough, health packs are more scarce, and you’ll probably need to bring your A-game to every fight. If you’ve always thought, “What if Han Solo had a tougher life?” this one’s for you.
  • Scoundrel is for anyone who wants to get an experience like they’re truly living on the edge, constantly one bad decision away from disaster. For those who play at Very Hard difficult settings, then Scoundrel will give you the adrenaline rush you’re looking for. Hope you’ve got quick reflexes and a strategic mind because this mode is not forgiving.

Say you’re an ace pilot but couldn’t win a blaster fight if your life depended on it. You can set the difficulty to Scoundrel for the intense space dogfights, then dial back the enemy difficulty for on-foot fights to something more manageable. Maybe you’re good at lockpicking but panic when the galactic forces get on your tail—simply customize the wanted difficulty to give yourself some breathing room. The flexibility in Star Wars Outlaws is fantastic and lets you create personalized gameplay according to your strengths and weaknesses or how you want to play.

Additional Tweaks and Accessibility Options

Beyond these main presets, Star Wars Outlaws lets you go deeper into the nitty-gritty. You can adjust how difficult the mini-games are, make the space journey less hazardous by adjusting collision damage to a lower level (because accidentally smacking into a space station shouldn’t always spell doom), and even turn on auto-throttle during pursuit mode so you don’t accidentally end up a smear on the side of a Star Destroyer. Want to make slicing terminals easier? There’s a setting for that or even if you prefer that your street food doesn’t set your taste buds on fire.