Assassin’s Creed Mirage Judge and Executioner Walkthrough

You need to find Muhammad Ibn Tahir to complete this Judge and Executioner quest.

By Ali Usama

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Judge and Executioner is part of the Al Bahamut Investigation quest. By the end of this, you’ll not only know how to find Muhammad but also how to sweet-talk a judge with some bribes (in the game, of course!).

AC Mirage Judge and Executioner Walkthrough

To chase down Muhammad Ibn Tahir, kick things off by heading over to the Investigation tab and look for the Mazalim Court lead. Once you’ve tracked that, you will see a new quest marker on the Round City’s northeast edge. It’s where you should need to go

Visiting the Mazalim Court

Once you roll up to the Mazalim Court, head over to the southeastern end of the court. You can only go through the lower ground floor as the outer walls of the court are a bit, let’s say, “members only”. Yes, off-limits.

Assassin's Creed Mirage Inside Mazalim Court

You need to find the location of judge to meet him, the best way is to use the Eagle Vision. By enabling this vision feature, you will see him in an office that is just to the opposite of the court’s plaza entry point. Once you spot the office, move over there and have a chat with Mr. Judge. Just a little spoiler: he’s going to play hard to get. But who doesn’t love a good in-game challenge?

Bribing the Judge

Bribing the Judge with Scholar Favour Token

This guy isn’t just gonna spill the beans for a smile. Nope, he’s got his eyes on the prize, and that prize is… well, bribes. So, you think, “Not an issue, I’ve got a Scholar Favour Token.” Hand over to him one but he’s is a greedy person but doesn’t satisfy with only single. Yes, he wants more. But, being the resourceful player you are, it may not be a bad deal for you to spend one more token as the return reward for that investment is the information about Muhammad’s whereabouts.

Judge giving info about Muhammad

With the second token in his hand, he will become nice and friendly with you. He spills some piping hot tea: Muhammad Ibn Tahir has a sneaky spy who passes him info daily at noon. Time to wrap up the chat and be ready for some top-notch espionage. But remember, always keep one eye on your in-game inventory – you never know who else might want a piece of that bribe pie.

Observing the Spy

Exit the judge’s room and you’ll find the bench there. It’s hinted on your map for convenience, so no guessing games here. Now, unless you’ve got impeccable timing and it’s already noon, you have to play the waiting game. When you’re on that bench, hold TRIANGLE or Y, and time flies with that. Keep the peepers peeled for our mysterious message carrier. He’ll strut his stuff right in front of you, you will spot him immediately as soon as he appears because of a handy marker hovering over his head.

Observing the Spy with Eye Vision - AC Mirage

Stay cool, calm, and collected as jumping up too soon and getting spotted is a rookie move at the moment. Instead, play it cool and shadow him, using the pillars and the environment to your advantage. It’s time to use the stealth element of Assassin’s Creed Mirage and you will have a lead.

As you head out of the building, swing a right and sneak into those nearby flowers; you’re blending in with the tulips for a second. Keep an eye on spy ahead. When Mr. Spy walks under the huge archway, shimmy up the building on the right. Because why walk when you can rooftop-hop?

Basim is on the rooftops chasing the spy down

Now, it’s time for some city sightseeing – Assassin’s style. Tag along as he strolls through the city sneaks down the sneaky companions, and finally, to the Shurta. Keep in mind, stay high in the sky (means rooftops) as much as you can. Only hit the ground unless it’s required to prevent yourself from spotting.

If Basim gets caught or loses track of the spy, you will be hitting the rewind button to the beginning. Stick to the rooftops – by keeping it cool and sneaky up high, you’ll soon see him meet up with his boss. Once you roll up to the Shurta, that task will wrap up.

The Shurta Compound

Inside the Shurta Headquarters

After your masterclass in tailing, you’ll end up at the Shurta compound and it confirms that the Muhummad is hiding somewhere inside this place. The only thing that remains is to explore this area and find him. This joint’s tighter than a drum; guards everywhere, and eyes sharp as eagles because it’s a police station.

Instead of getting straight into the lion’s den through the front – which can be your one-way ticket to ‘game over’ land, sneak around the back. Go to the back of the Shutra and you’ll spot the balcony. Climb up, tiptoe inside, and you’re in the heart of the compound, perched high above the action.

Our main mission is to locate Muhammad’s office without ringing any alarm bells. Deal with the guard there and there’s a locked door there that is leading to the office. But where’s the key? By enabling Eagle Vision, you will find out the key with one of the four guards standing and talking below.

Wait until they finish their conversation because one guard will leave after that. From here, you’ve got options – go full ninja mode with some smoke bombs, or maybe cause a ruckus with a Berserker Blow Dart. Whatever you choose, make it snappy, grab that key, and sneak into the office for some clue-hunting.

Inside Muhammad’s Office

Clues in Muhammad's Office

After all those secretive shenanigans, you’re finally standing in Muhammad’s office. Dimly lit, slightly ominous, and filling with mystery – it’s got all the vibes of a room hiding secrets. There are four secret clues scattered around:

  1. A map is available in the back-right corner.
  2. A book is placed on the table.
  3. Another book is towards the left on the rear end.
  4. Lastly, a page that’s on the right of the entry from where you came.

Muhammad Ibn Tahir's Conversation with Basim

Now, if you thought things were too quiet, you’re in for a treat. A dramatic cutscene rolls, and – Muhammad Ibn Tahir appears for a face-off with Basim. But, plot twists keep us on our toes. Right after completing the dialogues, he will call off the guards to attack you. Unbar the door, leap onto the balcony, and make a superhero-worthy dive into the below haybale.

Escaping the Shurta

After all the detective work and dramatic encounters, you’ve found yourself in the heart of the danger with alarms blaring and guards on high alert. As soon as you land in that haybale, take a moment to appreciate the sheer adrenaline. You’re basically the star of an action movie now, and the escape scene is about to kick off.

Running to leave the Shurta

So, you’re in hiding, it’s good but there is no time to get cozy. Lift your head and assess the scene, stealth is the best choice there, but a sprinkle of speed won’t hurt either. Dart from cover to cover, blending in when you can, and using every trick up your assassin sleeve. And if things get too spicy? There’s no shame in a smoke bomb exit.

Aim to go far away from the Shurta, ducking into alleyways and running through bazaars. The further you are, the safer you’ll be, and remember, laying low might be the top choice here. Sometimes, it’s not about how fast you run, but how well you hide. Once the coast is finally clear, take a moment to get yourself on the back. You’ve escaped the Shurta, you’re one step closer to completing Basim’s mission, and you’ve got one heck of a story. That concludes this investigation mission and you have done your detective work on the three Order members.

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