Fortnite Season 3 Week 9 Quests & Challenges: All You Need to Know

By GamesRecon

Welcome to another of our guides. This week we will be focusing on the Fortnite series; we will be taking a look at Fortnite Season 3 Week 9, and everything it brings with it. This week’s Fortnite season 3 is bringing you new quests to gain XP and push you towards that new battle pass.

We know these weekly quests dropped on the 4th of August, and of course, the previous weeks’ quests will be available for players to complete until the end of the season. Means you have plenty of time to catch up and earn that XP. If you’re falling behind because of the lack of items or cash, get your hands on all the Fortnite Assets you need at Chicks Gold.

Now, let’s get into what Chapter 2: Season 3, week 9 has to offer:

Fortnite Season 3 Week 9 Quests

As far as this week 9 is concerned, we have some significant challenges, like collecting some seeds, planting reality saplings, opening up some chests, or bouncing on different impact platforms in the same game. However, if you are wondering about the best way to complete these challenges, don’t worry because we have prepared this guide. Take a look at the best tips so that you won’t find any of these challenges difficult, which we are sure you will be able to complete in a single afternoon. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Here we have compiled a list of this week’s quests and helpful tips on how to best proceed. Each of the quests this season will offer a 15,000XP reward for completion.

Gain Shields While Emoting 0/1

This mission asks us to gain a shield while emoting, you can do it in a game of any game mode, and there are several ways to get it, although the easiest one is finding a shield keg and throwing it at the feet of your party. Then, start dancing and increase your defense for 15,000XP, a nice and easy start to the week!

Deal Damage to Enemies While Riding a Wolf or Boar

Though this may seem like a simple enough task, take into account the difficulty of aiming while charging someone on a boar/wolf, and you find yourself with a much more difficult task. Don’t be disheartened, though; we estimate players will need a few matches to complete this one, so keep at it! You will first have to locate an animal to ride and hit the jump button; from there, fire on your enemy and rack up 500 damage.

Collect Seeds from Reality Seed Pods Before they Stop Bouncing

This quest can be carried out anywhere on the map, but the best place to do so is Reality Falls. Though remember, this location is a hot drop, with many players making their way through it, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it on the first shot. For those looking for an alternate area, another great spot to carry out this quest is east of the Rave Cave.

Plant a Reality Sapling 30+ Meters Away from Yourself

Before moving on, it is absolutely essential to know where you can find Reality Sapling, especially if you are a newbie. Previously, Reality Sapling was located in Reality Falls and Greasy Grove. So, using the seed from the previous quest, stand on a ledge and throw the seed as far as possible. Then, wait for it to land and plant itself for an easy 15,000 XP.

Open Three Chests at Tilted Towers

This quest, unlike two of the previously mentioned, has to be completed in one match. So, before you embark on this quest, be sure you’re ready to complete it. The intensity is ramped up a few more notches when you realize that the location of this quest is a popular drop spot, coupled with the abundance of other players taking on this quest, and you have quite the challenge on your hands. We recommend working from the top down, i.e., landing on the roof of a building and finding chests that way.

Bounce on Three Different Crash Pads Without Landing

There are a few ways to complete this quest quickly and easily; firstly, you can carry out this as a trio or squad. Next, you and your team will need to collect as many crash pads as you can and place them in close proximity to each other, then begin jumping. This should soon get you 15000XP. Finding the pads is the hardest part of this quest, so once you have them in your possession, the rest is quick and straightforward.

For solo players or teams looking for a more accessible option, you can head to the islands east of the Sanctuary if you struggle to locate crash pads. Here you will find crash pads scattered throughout the area, start jumping and get your XP!

Hold a Charge SMG at Max Charge for 3 Seconds, then Deal Damage to an Enemy

To start this quest, you will first have to acquire the weapon; this can be done by opening chests or finding it as floor loot. Again, for this quest, we recommend the assistance of your teammates, completing this in at least a duo. Have one player charge the SMG and lure an enemy into the firing line to secure another 15,000 XP. Alternatively, for those players who prefer to go it alone, charge the SMG and charge into action while another two players are already firing at each other.

This concludes this week’s guide! Thank you for choosing our guide to see you through Fortnite Season 3, Week 9! We hope you managed to get all the XP you need, and you’re well on your way to collecting your next battle pass! We recommend you stay tuned for another Fortnite guide to learn all the news from the new seasons. We hope to see you in our next blog.